Thursday, February 23, 2012

My First Work Goof-Up

I have taken a week off from my blog all because I live a hectic life just like everybody else in this world but now it's time to continue the show!

Over the past couple weeks things have been hectic but mellow, for those who do not know this already I am a Division II Basketball player so my life and work schedule can be pretty sporadic which is not necessarily a bad thing. In fact it is a GLAMOROUS life style that I live. I work for a company that allows me to be like one of the brokers here where that I won't always been in the office but my work gets done with exceptional detail and in a timely manner, except for a couple of weeks ago...
A couple of weeks ago I was in charge of putting together the monthly and year-to-date numbers for the start of the 2012 year. Well basically I was the guinea pig to their test because it was the first time someone that wasn't the sales manager did the number. I was given a list of instruction on how to put it together; they gave me the basic tools and where I could find all my information. Well basically to me it was a test, a simple test on how well you can read and follow directions. Well, if anybody really knows me then, me not so good reader sometime. And so reading this packet which I thought would be a simple task in fact turned out not so easy, weird right?  So after I had completed it and thought I reviewed it, it was presented to all the brokers where I then saw my numerous amounts of mistakes. Though everybody got a good laugh at some of the mistakes, this was not an ego boost for me but kinda of an embarrassment . Luckily I am not the type to let this tarnish my ability and confidence. In fact afterwards I got some praise, and jokes, from the other brokers and my bosses. I did learn that afterwards that I was the guinea pig for the project so I wasn't that upset; Still I learned that if you think you reviewed it, review it again and again and again.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

The SNOW is coming DOWN upon me

 Durango is known for many world renown activities ranging from skiing, mountain biking, the train all the way to our OFFICIAL motto of "having the most restaurants per capita, more than San Francisco".  So yea take that San Fran!! But the probably the biggest unknown gem that Durango has is SNOWDOWN, basically the easiest way to describe it is a week full of ridiculous games for all ages, but mostly adults, and the closest thing to Marde Gras but with snow and no beads... Or in this year's case its full of fairy tale costumes and everybody  reminiscing a "Once Upon A Time".
This is a time where the "Durango" feeling/style/lifestyle really comes into full force, where laid back and casual consist of wearing a costume to work to stuffing as many people into a port-o-potty to diving head first into a pool full of beer. Do you really think that you could beat that? I'm telling you no where in the world can beat that!!
The buzz in the office is vibrant and I seriously think that the people in the office are more excited and ready for this week's events more than my own legal college friends. If a group of late 20's and up people get more excited for drinking games and festivities more than college kids then there but be something in the water down here. Snowdown is a MUST experience in your lifetime!! Maybe one of these days when I don't have obligations at this time I will be able to experience this Snowdown fever and let it take control of me for one week.

Find me @TheWellsGroup on both twitter and Facebook.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Tis the Season of the Red Carpet

I have always been told that third time is a charm, but if you did good twice before is the third one supposed to be bad? uh oh...
As my friend Danny puts it, "Tis the season to say Tis" . As we have had the season to be jolly (fa ra ra ra ra ra ra ra), we carry the jolly over and "Tis the season for the award shows".  Any good company that appreciates their employees has an award show to praise the work of all their employees; The Wells Group obviously has one.
Now this is my first award ceremony, it was my first Office awards event. Now one of my favorite shows is "The Office" (pre-michael scott departure), and now if you are anything like me then you fantasize that working in an office is kinda like a TV show, because everyone knows that anything that is on TV or the internet is absolutely 100% real. I mean just look at the shows my generation has idolized: Jersey Shore, The Bachelor, The Real World, The Hills, Any of the Real Housewife's series, etc. All these shows literally rot your brain, even zombies wouldn't eat the living brain of the people that watch and idolize these shows.
But back to the awards, I was kinda hoping that it would be like the "Dundies" from the Office show but it wasn't, not a big deal. In fact it was better. Since I don't know some of these people it was a great way to talk and finally meet them, and you learn how generous these people really are with charity and their extracurricular activities. One of the brokers, Christina Rinderle, that workers here is the MAYOR of Durango.
Now i think about, in any city being the mayor is a big deal, but here in Durango its just the person next door, one day they are selling you a home and that evening they are making important decisions that affect the area in which you live in. It's just cool that I can say I know and work along side the Mayor. Heck maybe the MAYOR can give me a letter of recommendation for the future.

This week I'm giving a S/O to Thad Trujillo here at the Wells Group: Thad was ONCE a football player at FLC during the times when the scoreboard was changed by rock & chisel, they wore leather helmets, no face guards or mouthpieces, and had to catch the pig to make the that games football. But despite those troubling times he is still a Hall of Famer and very worthy of it. Thad I hope this pleases you.

Find me on twitter "ImMattMorrisWOH" and find/follow The Wells Group on Facebook and twitter "The Wells Group" or TheWellsGroup"

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Big Guy's Daydream

The first week is gone and the second is upon me, this time with higher expectations. So lets not blow it...

There is a buzz that has been created in the office. The Home and Garden TV is coming to DURANGO to do an episode of House Hunters. I know I am only 23 years old but I LOVE THIS SHOW!! Now I am nowhere near the age or the financials to start considering buying a home but I do think and plan out what I would want my "dream home" to be. If and when I can ever afford my "dream home" it will look something like this:
Cathedral-style Ceilings, home theater room, open floor plan, 2 stories, possibly a pool, hot tub, commercial kitchen, outdoor kitchen with grill and smoker (in my family you need a meat smoker because we are LEGEN, wait for it, DARY, LEGNDARY at smoking meats!), family room, awesome master bedroom with large shower area containing multiple shower heads and an overflow tub along with walk in closet, crown molding, house is wireless connected, speakers throughout the house and outside, and much much more.
As you can tell I have put little thought into what my "dream home" would be . I like to think of me planning my "dream home" more of how a woman plans her dream wedding minus the whole bridezilla fiasco. Now the show is looking for an agent and client in Durango so I am really hoping that The Wells Group gets that opportunity and maybe I can get my clean mug on the spotlight. In reality I will be that one guy in the background waving and yelling "Hi Mom!"

Find us on Facebook @ "The Wells Group" and on Twitter "TheWellsGroup"

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The BIGnning

First off maybe I should say a thing or two about myself. My name is Matt Morris, I am a senior at Fort Lewis College where I play on the Men's Basketball team and I am also the intern at The Wells Group here in my hometown of Durango, Colorado. This is the BIGnning of my time here and the experiences I fall across.

I label the word BIG for a reason, I'm not the most small or petite guy in the office that has its twists and turns in narrow hallways; I'm more like a bull in a china shop, but hey that's what I grew up in and that's what made me who I am today. This week is "technically" my first week of my internship even though I have been put to use since October. I know Julie and Maddy have been using me for my muscle, which I learned quickly that is what an intern is used for. Definition of an intern: Do what anyone tells you to do in the office. Joe Bob's Definition for an intern: "Scrub toilets, take out trash and clean up his mess". My definition of an intern: "make an impression, because if you don't then you are basically screwed once it comes graduation time and you have no job!"  I'll tell you one thing though, if you can come in for an early morning meeting and have people laughing and enjoying with everyone in the room then you are in a good place.

I did pick The Wells Group for a reason though, it is the number one real estate company here in Durango and I have known that for a while now. These people are extremely friendly here to me and I know I will learn a lot in my tenure here. Where this road as in intern takes me who knows but I do know that it will be a interesting to say the slightest.

Also get on Facebook LIKE "The Wells Group"!! and hit us up on twitter "TheWellsGroup"
