First off maybe I should say a thing or two about myself. My name is Matt Morris, I am a senior at Fort Lewis College where I play on the Men's Basketball team and I am also the intern at The Wells Group here in my hometown of Durango, Colorado. This is the BIGnning of my time here and the experiences I fall across.
I label the word BIG for a reason, I'm not the most small or petite guy in the office that has its twists and turns in narrow hallways; I'm more like a bull in a china shop, but hey that's what I grew up in and that's what made me who I am today. This week is "technically" my first week of my internship even though I have been put to use since October. I know Julie and Maddy have been using me for my muscle, which I learned quickly that is what an intern is used for. Definition of an intern: Do what anyone tells you to do in the office. Joe Bob's Definition for an intern: "Scrub toilets, take out trash and clean up his mess". My definition of an intern: "make an impression, because if you don't then you are basically screwed once it comes graduation time and you have no job!" I'll tell you one thing though, if you can come in for an early morning meeting and have people laughing and enjoying with everyone in the room then you are in a good place.
I did pick The Wells Group for a reason though, it is the number one real estate company here in Durango and I have known that for a while now. These people are extremely friendly here to me and I know I will learn a lot in my tenure here. Where this road as in intern takes me who knows but I do know that it will be a interesting to say the slightest.
Also get on Facebook LIKE "The Wells Group"!! and hit us up on twitter "TheWellsGroup"
nice start buddy